Простой способ генерации поляризационно-неоднородного лазерного излучения, основанный на применении ДОЭ

Карпеев С.В., Хонина С.Н.

Предложена простая модификация разработанной ранее оптической системы для генерации поляризационно-неоднородного лазерного излучения, основанная на применении ДОЭ с несущей частотой. Уменьшение габаритов и веса оптической системы, снижение потерь световой энергии, а также уменьшение числа согласуемых параметров и упрощение настройки достигнуто за счёт исключения из оптической схемы линз. Полностью сохраняются все функции предыдущей версии системы, а именно: универсальность и простота перестройки на разные типы поляризаций. Проведённые эксперименты показали улучшение качества формирования пучков.

Simple updating developed before optical system for generation of the inhomogeneously polarized laser beams, based on application of DOEs with carrier frequency, is offered. Reduction of sizes and weights of optical system, decrease in losses of light energy, and also reduction of number ar-ranged parameters and simplification of adjustmentis reached due to exception of lenses in the op-tical scheme. Advantages of the previous version of system, namely universality and simplicity of reorganization for different types of polarization are completely kept. The executed experiments have shown improvement of beam formation quality.

Ключевые слова :
поляризационно-неоднородные пучки, радиальная и азимутальная поляризация, когерентная суперпозиция, дифракционные оптические элементы, несущая частота.

Key words:
inhomogeneously polarized beams, radial and azimutal polarization, coherent superposition, diffractive optical elements, carrier frequency.


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  2. Focusing light to a tighter spot / S. Quabis, R. Dorn, M. Eberler, O. Glockl, and G. Leuchs // Opt. Commun. - 2000. - V.179. - P.1-7.
  3. K.S. Youngworth and T.G. Brown, “Focusing of high numerical aperture cylindrical-vector beams,” Opt. Express 7, 77-87 (2000).
  4. R. Dorn, S. Quabis, and G. Leuchs, “Sharper focus for a radially polarized light beam,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 233901 (2003).
  5. Y. Kozawa and S. Sato, Sharper focal spot formed by higher-order radially polarized laser beams, Journal of Optical Society of America A, 24, 1793 (2007).
  6. Lianzhou Rao, Jixiong Pu, Zhiyang Chen, Pu Yei, Focus shaping of cylindrically polarized vortex beams by a high numerical-aperture lens, Optics & Laser Technology 41 (2009) 241-246.
  7. V.V. Kotlyar, S.S. Stafeev, Modeling sharp focus radially-polarized laser mode with conical and binary microaxicons, Computer Optics 33(1) 52-60 (2009). - (in Russian).
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  10. Qiwen Zhan and James R. Leger, Focus shaping using cylindrical vector beams, Opt. Express 10(7) 324-331 (2002).
  11. H. Kawauchi, K. Yonezawa, Y. Kozawa and S. Sato, Calculation of optical trapping forces on a dielectric sphere in the ray optics regime produced by a radially polarized laser beam, Optics Letters, 32, 1839 (2007).
  12. Romea R.D. and Kimura W.D. Modeling of inverse Cherenkov laser acceleration with axicon laser beam focusing. Physical Review D, 1990, v.42, n.5, p.1807.
  13. Devki Nandan Gupta, Niti Kant, Dong Eon Kim, Hyyong Suk, Electron acceleration to GeV energy by a radially polarized laser, Physics Letters A 368 (2007) 402-407.
  14. V.G. Niziev, A.V. Nesterov Influence of Beam Polarization on Laser Cutting Efficiency Journal of Physics D Appl. Phys. V.32, (1999), p. 1455-1461.
  15. Krishnan Venkatakrishnan and Bo Tan, Interconnect microvia drilling with a radially polarized laser beam, J. Micromech. Microeng. 16 (2006) 2603-2607.
  16. Yaniv Yirmiyahu, Avi Niv, Gabriel Biener, Vladimir Kleiner, and Erez Hasman, Excitation of a single hollow waveguide mode using inhomogeneous anisotropic subwavelength structures, Opt. Express 15(20) 13404-13414 (2007).
  17. Yuichi Kozawa and Shunichi Sato, Generation of a radially polarized laser beam by use of a conical Brewster prism, Opt. Lett. 30(22) 3063-3065 (2005).
  18. Hikaru Kawauchi, Yuichi Kozawa, Shunichi Sato, Takashi Sato, and Shojiro Kawakami, Simultaneous generation of helical beams with linear and radial polarization by use of a segmented half-wave plate, Opt. Lett. 33(4) 399-401 (2008).
  19. V.G. Niziev, V.P. Yakunin, N.G. Turkin, Generation of nonuniform polarized modes in the powerful CO2-laser, Quantum Electronics, 39(6) 505-514 (2009). - (in Russian).
  20. Ze’ev Bomzon, Gabriel Biener, Vladimir Kleiner, and Erez Hasman, Radially and azimuthally polarized beams generated by space-variant dielectric subwavelength gratings, Opt. Lett. 27(5) 285-287 (2002).
  21. K. Yonezawa, Y. Kozawa, and S. Sato, Generation of a radially polarized laser beam by use of the birefringence of a c-cut Nd:YVO4 crystal, Opt. Lett. 31(14) 2151-2153 (2006).
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  23. Yuichi Kozawa, Shunichi Sato, Takashi Sato, Yoshihiko Inoue, Yasuo Ohtera, and Shojiro Kawakami, Cylindrical Vector Laser Beam Generated by the Use of a Photonic Crystal Mirror, Applied Physics Express 1, 022008 (2008).
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  26. Nicolas Passilly, Renaud de Saint Denis, and Kamel Aït-Ameur, François Treussart, Rolland Hierle, and Jean-François Roch, Simple interferometric technique for generation of a radially polarized light beam, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 22(5) 984-991 (2005).
  27. D.P. Biss, K.S. Youngworth, and T.G. Brown, “Dark-field imaging with cylindrical-vector beams,” Appl. Opt., 45, 470-479 (2006).
  28. G. Volpe, D. Petrov, Generation of cylindrical vector beams with few-mode ?bers excited by Laguerre-Gaussian beams, Opt. Comm. 237, 89-95 (2004).
  29. Toru Hirayama, Yuichi Kozawa, Takahiro Nakamura and Shunichi Sato, Generation of a cylindrically symmetric, polarized laser beam with narrow linewidth and fine tenability, Opt. Express, 14(26) 12839-12845 (2006).
  30. J.A. Davis, D.E. McNamara, D.M. Cottrell and T. Sonehara, “Two dimensional polarization encoding with a phase only liquid-crystal spatial light modulator,” Appl. Opt., 39, 1549-15541 (2000).
  31. Mark A.A. Neil, Farnaz Massoumian, Rimvydas Ju?skaitis and Tony Wilson, Method for the generation of arbitrary complex vector wave fronts, Opt. Lett. 27(21) 1929-1931 (2002).
  32. C. Kohler, T. Haist, X. Schwab and W. Osten, Hologram optimization for SLM-based reconstruction with regard to polarization effects, Opt. Express 16(19) 14853-14861 (2008).
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