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The principle of consistency of estimates in the problem of identification of color reproduction models

A.V. Nikonorov1,2, S.B. Popov1,2, V.A. Fursov1,2
1 Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS;

 2 Samara State Aerospace University

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Pages: 148 - 151.

A general statement of the problem of identifying color rendering models is provided. For linear models, an identification method based on the principle of consistency of estimates is described. A reduced search procedure using genetic optimization algorithms is proposed. A comparison with a complete enumeration of options is performed.

color reproduction, linear model, identification method, genetic optimization.

Nikonorov AV, Popov SB, Fursov VA. The principle of consistency of estimates in the problem of identification of color reproduction models. Computer Optics 2002; 24: 148-151.


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