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Hierarchical compression method for palettized images

A.Y. Bavrina1, N.I. Glumov2, V.V. Sergeev2, E.I. Timbay1
1Samara State Aerospace University 

2Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS 

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Pages: 126-129.

A method for lossless compression of palettized synthetic images is described in this paper. The method is based on the hierarchical image representation in the form of a set of matrixes or hierarchical levels (HL) of reduced size and on coding of the information needed for reconstruction of the current HL only, using the reconstructed values of the previous HL. Various variants of the method implementation are considered. Experimental research shows the effectiveness of the proposed method as compared to the well-known lossless compression standards.

compression method, palettized image, matrix, hierarchical levels, HL, coding information.

Bavrina AY, Glumov NI, Sergeyev VV, Timbay EI. Hierarchical compression method for palettized images. Computer Optics 2004; 26: 126-129.


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