Formation of feature spaces based on tortuosity estimation of vessel central lines in the analysis problem of abnormal changes in the structure of the fundus vascular system
A.O. Korepanov, M.A. Ananyin

Image Processing Systems Institute оf the RAS,
Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)

Full text of article: Russian language.

We develop a method of formation of feature spaces with regard to the problem of classification of the fundus blood vessels. The proposed method is based on tortuosity estimation of pre-treated vessel central lines with the use of smoothing filters with different bandwidths (with various degrees of smoothing) that results in the use of the wavelet transform when calculating differential characteristics. We analyze the efficiency of proposed features and compare them with existing methods of formation of feature spaces.

Key words:
fundus vascular system, vessel central lines, feature space formation, classification.

Korepanov AO, Ananyin MA. Formation of feature spaces based on tortuosity estimation of vessel central lines in the analysis problem of abnormal changes in the structure of the fundus vascular system [In Russian]. Computer Optics 2007; 31(1): 52-57.


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