Reconstruction of image from spatial distribution of intensity of diffraction speckle-modulated field
B.B. Gorbatenko, L.A. Maksimova, V.P. Ryabukho, Yu.V. Norov

Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov,
Saratov State University,
Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control of the RAS

Full text of article: Russian language.

The physical mechanisms for data recording and reconstruction about the amplitude-phase structure of the optical field in a holographic process are considered. Method of creating a hologram-like structure and method for reconstruction an image from intensity recording without reference beam of the speckle-modulated diffraction field of the scattering object are discussed. The results of full-scale, numerical experiments and numerical modeling of the processes of synthesis of a hologram-like structure and reconstruction of the image of plane scattering objects of symmetric and asymmetric form are analyzed.

Key words:
speckle-modulated diffraction field, image reconstruction, hologram-like structure.

Gorbatenko BB, Maksimova LA, Ryabukho VP, Norov YuV. Reconstruction of image from spatial distribution of intensity of diffraction speckle-modulated field [In Russian]. Computer Optics 2007; 31(2): 26-33.


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