Splines as a tool for constructing efficient algorithms of a local linear transform
V.V. Myasnikov

Image Processing Systems Institute оf the RAS,
Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)

Full text of article: Russian language.

This paper presents a particular solution of the generic synthesis problem of the efficient convolution algorithm when using splines to represent the finite impulse response (FIR). Taking into account all necessary conditions for strict efficiency of the induced algorithm, which were articulated in the previous paper [13] in the form of requirements to the non-homogeneous linear recurrence sequence (LRS) (that determines the readings of FIR), and with regard to obvious relationships between main characteristics of the spline and its representation in the form of LRS determined in the present paper, the use of splines is justified to solve the synthesis problem of the efficient algorithm. We present a convolution reduction (CR) model algorithm generated by an arbitrary spline with particular characteristics. Explicit expressions are given for computational complexity of the algorithm being generated for the cases of generalized and polynomial splines. When a set of splines is restricted with parameters (order-and-number of nodes), the upper and lower limits are given for computational complexity of the convolution algorithms caused by these splines. The MC-splines notion is introduced to define the splines, for which the value of complexity of implementation of the resulting algorithm achieves its lower limit. Examples of building the polynomial MC-splines are given.

Key words:
splines, linear recurrence sequence, convolution reduction, computational complexity.

Myasnikov EV. Splines as a tool for constructing efficient algorithms of a local linear transform [In Russian]. Computer Optics 2007; 31(2): 52-68.


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