The method of calculating the resonant frequencies of TEM-cell
N.L. Kazanskiy
, E.A. Rakhaeva

Image Processing Systems Institute оf the RAS, Samara, Russia,
Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Samara, Russia

Full text of article: Russian language.

The method of calculating the resonant frequencies and frequency characteristics of resonant cavities at the locked modes using multimode scattering matrices has been presented. Using this method, the eigenmodes that determine the resonances in TEM-cell have been identified and its resonant frequencies have been determined.

Key words:
electromagnetic compatibility, test TE-cell, method of electromagnetic calculation, resonant frequencies.

Kazanskiy NL, Rakhaeva EA. The method of calculating the resonant frequencies of TEM-cell [In Russian]. Computer Optics 2007; 31(3): 55-58.


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