Normalization of images of moving objects in case of sequential registration of rgb channels
M.V. Gashnikov, A.V. Chernov, N.V. Chupshev

Image Processing Systems Institute оf the RAS,

Samara State Aerospace University

Full text of article: Russian language.

A normalization algorithm of moving objects’ images, resulting from sequential RGB-channels registration, is developed. The algorithm allows us to combine multicolored copies of moving objects and calculate their characteristics. The algorithm is based on the relationship of coordinates, sizes and orientation of multicolored copies of the objects.

Key words:
Normalization, moving objects, orientation, segmentation, RGB, HSB, HSI.

Citation: Gashnikov MV, Chernov AV, Chupshev NV. Normalization of moving objects’ images under sequential RGB-channels registration [In Russian]. Computer Optics 2008; 32(1): 93-95.


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