Asymptotic computation of the light field intensity for a diffractive optical element to focus into a line
A.Y. Dmitriev, L.L. Doskolovich, S.I. Kharitonov

Image Processing Systems Institute of the RAS,
Samara State Aerospace University

Full text of article: Russian language.

We discuss an asymptotic method for computing the intensity of the light field produced by a diffractive optical element (DOE) to focus into an arbitrary line using curvilinear coordinates. The structure of the light field produced by a DOE intended to focus into a line-segment is studied. A comparison is drawn between the results of the asymptotic and numerical methods of computation.

Key words:
diffractive optical element, phase function, Fresnel-Kirchhoff integral, asymptotic method, intensity, light field, stationary phase method.

Citation: Dmitriev AYu, Doskolovich LL, Kharitonov SI. Asymptotic computation of the light field intensity for a diffractive optical element to focus into a line. Computer Optics 2008; 32(2): 195-200.


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