Method of estimation of text labels recognition systems efficiency parameters with use of likelihood characteristics tree
E.M. Voskresensky, V.A. Tsarev

Institute of Management and Information Technologies (branch) of the St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University

Full text of article: Russian language.

In article the method of estimation of text label recognition systems efficiency is offered. Processing of input images is presented as sequence of events of a kind «algorithm has returned the correct (wrong) answer». On this basis the diagram of all possible sequences of these events is generated. It is tree of likelihood characteristics. With use of the tree functional dependence of recognition system characteristics from characteristics of separate algorithms is determinated.

Key words:
optical character recognition, an estimation of efficiency of recognition.

Citation: Voskresensky EM, Tsarev VA. Method of estimation of text labels recognition systems efficiency parameters with use of likelihood characteristics tree. Computer Optics 2008; 32(3): 283-89.


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