Synthesis of supramolecular nanomaterial for hologram recording and optical information processing
A.V. Neupokoeva, A.N. Malov

Irkutsk High Airforce Engineering School

Full text of article: Russian language.

Synthesis method of nanostructured self-developed layers of dichromated gelatin, optical information recording mechanisms in it and control of holographic characteristics is considered. Control influences is follow: change of  layer structure by means of isopropanol introduction and application of interrupted exposures. It is revealed, that the result of control influences depends on a ratio of  image record and image degradation processes.

Key words:
dihromated gelatin, holography, isopropanol, interrupted exposures.

Citation: Neupokoeva VN, Malov AN. Synthesis of supramolecular nanomaterial for hologram recording and optical information processing. Computer Optics 2008; 32(4): 348-52.


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