Automatic distributed objects detection on coherently-radar images taking into account a priory data
B.V. Mironov, A.N. Malov, V.A. Kuznetcov

Irkutsk Higher Air Force Engineering School

Full text of article: Russian language.

One of coherent radar images analysis stages– an interesting objects automatic detection - is considered. For false alarms level decrease is offered to carry out mutual processing of the images received by segmentation and calculation of a field of local contrasts of the initial image taking into account a priory data. By the imitating modeling method are received the developed detection algorithm characteristics, which allow to define parameter values for its effective application.

Key words:
radar image, distributed objects, local reflection centers, segmentation, automatic detection.

Citation: Mironov BV, Malov AN, Kuznetcov VA. Automatic distributed objects detection on coherently-radar images taking into account a priory data. Computer Optics 2008; 32(4): 417-22.


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