Coherent radar images with statistically independent elements segmentation
B.M. Mironov, A.N. Malov

Irkutsk Higher Air Force Engineering School

Full text of article: Russian language.

Results of research of the segmentation algorithms on the basis of model of system with casual spasmodic structure in application to coherent radar images with statistically independent elements after speckle-noise smoothing on them by means of local spatial filtration methods efficiency are presented. The received characteristics allow estimating a segmentation error at the radar parameters set and a spreading surface, to compare errors at performance of a preliminary filtration and without its performance.

Key words:
algorithm, probability, images, coherency, accumulation, a radar-location, distribution, smoothing, segmentation, speckle, filtration.

Citation: Mironov BM, Malov AN. Coherent radar images with statistically independent elements segmentation. Computer Optics 2008; 32(4): 423-7.


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