D.gabor’s scheme optimization for computer hologram recording
A.N. Borodin, A.N. Malov, A.V. Sychevskiy

Irkutsk Higher Air force Engineering School (Military Institute),

Irkutsk State Medical University

Full text of article: Russian language.

Possibilities of the digital holograms reconstruction, which has been recorded on the D. Gabor scheme, are discussed. There are problems to define the limiting distances of holograms recording with the help of axial-scheme in depended on characteristics of CCD-matrix and geometrical parameters of the scheme of recording the holograms. When the recording and reconstruction of digital holograms on small distances the quality of the reconstruction images is low enough. First of all this deterioration is connected with the twain virtual-image, which removes on small distance from real-image, and as a result the high noise's level on reconstruction images. When the distance increases, the quality of the real-image’s reconstruction becomes worse, but the influence of virtual-image with it all decreases.

Key words:
computer holography, axial-scheme, parameters of CCD-matrix semiconductor laser, signal/noise, optimal distance.


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