Investigation of axicon application in high-aperture focusing system
S.N. Khonina
, S.G. Volotovsky

Image Processing Systems Institute of the RAS,
Samara State Aerospace University

Full text of article: Russian language.

Axicon application in high-aperture focusing systems with various polarization to increase in extent and reduce transverse size of focal spot is considered. By comparison with narrow ring aperture, usually used for this purpose, addition of a lens with an axicon is energetically favorable. At reduction of the size of the central light spot on half-maximum intensity (FWHM) from 0,51 lambda to 0,36 lambda for radial polarization the advantage is proportional to the area of a blocked part of a lens. For linear polarization, which have the majority of lasers, the opportunity of formation the light spot narrowed in one direction up to 0,32 lambda is shown. Efficiency of vortical axicons application in solving a problem of formation axially extended but compact focal area for circular and azimuthal polarization is also shown.
As high-aperture lens is complemented by axicon (even “weak”) the focal area looks as a cone which tip has the smaller size than a focal spot of a separate lens. It is possible to vary extent and "acuteness" of a formed cone by axicon parameters. Furthermore, introduction of a vortical component allows to manage by the contribution of various vector field components in a cone’s tip that can be useful at interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the substances having selective sensitivity to a longitudinal or transverse component of a vector field.

Key words: diffractive linear axicon, lensacon, sharp focusing, size of a central light spot, depth of focus.


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