Technology of implementation of neural network algorithm  in cuda environment at the example of handwritten digits recognition
P.Y. Izotov, S.V. Sukhanov, D.L. Golovashkin

Image Processing Systems Institute of the RAS,
Samara State Aerospace University

Full text of article: Russian language.

On a convolution neural network example features of implementation of pattern recognition algorithm on Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) on NVIDIA CUDA are shown. Duration of training of a network on the video adapter is reduced in 5.96, and recognition of test samples set in 8.76 times in comparison with the optimised algorithm which uses only central processor (CPU) for calculations. Perspective of implementation of such neural network algorithms on graphic processors is shown.

Key words:
convolutional neural network, pattern recognition, neural network training, backpropagation of error, parallel computing, GPGPU, NVIDIA, CUDA, matrices multiplication, CUBLAS.


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