Features of nonlinear-optical transformations femtosecond of laser pulses in the microstructured fibres from a glass ar-glass
K.A. Bzheumikhov, Z.Ch. Margushev

Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Computer Science
and Problem Regional Managements
Kabardino-Balkarian Centre of Science RAS

Full text of article: Russian language.

The optical fibres with a continuous core of a diameter a little micron and microstructured environment on extend technology of the softened glass of the stamp AR-Glass (Schott) are made. The measurements of spectra femtosecond of pulses Ti:sapphire of the laser on an output of the given fibres are carried out depending on geometrical parameters of structure of cross section of fibres. On the basis of the qualitative analysis of experimental curve spectral distribution of radiation is shown, that the nonlinear-optical transformation of a spectrum of pulses is observed already at a diameter of a core 6mkm and there is a generation of additional spectral components. At reduction of geometrical parameters of structure of cross section anti-Stokes the component of a spectrum is moved together from infra-red in seen area. Is shown, that in a case of hit of entrance radiation in one of lateral channels of a environment, alongside with the basic line of generation of a source in a spectrum occurs brightly expressed anti-Stokes of a component with central length of a wave about 612nm and intensity, commensurable from that basic line. On the basis of the mode analysis of structure femtosecond of pulses of radiation on an output of a fibre, is marked, that alongside with the basic style maximum are observed also waveguide of a style.

Key words:
femtosecond laser pulses, microstructured fibres, nonlinear optics, supercontinuum generation.


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