On the observability of the crystal lattice with the images of their projections
A.V. Kupriyanov, V.A. Soifer

Full text of article: Russian language.

In th e paper, the solution of a problem of the observability of a three-dimensional crystalline lattice on its projections is considered on the basis of the theory of description of kinematics of a rotary motion and the observation and guidance theory of dynamic objects. The necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for the observability of a crystalline lattice performing a rotary motion in space about the central knot. The fulfillment of the conditions for some special cases – a cubic cell and a tetrahedron – isconsidered. Expressions for the calculation of parameters of the observable lattices are derived.

Key words:
a crystalline lattice, Euler's parameters, observability, equation of state, equation of observation.


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