Joint solution of the Klein–Gordon And Maxwell's equations
N.L. Kazanskiy, S.I. Kharitonov, S.N. Khonina

Full text of article: Russian language.

The article describes the interaction of electromagnetic fields with the quantum-dynamical system, which represents a charged spinless particle moving in some potential created by other charged particles. An example of such a system is an atom, molecule, quantum dot in an external electromagnetic field. For the first time, a system of coupled equations in which the unknown functions are the wave function of a charged particle and the components of electromagnetic fields. The paper will be useful for specialists engaged in the solution of problems of interaction of electromagnetic fields with low-dimensional structures - quantum dots and quantum wells. The resulting system of equations can be used to describe the interaction of low-dimensional structures in a nanoresonator.

Key words:
Maxwell's equations, the Klein-Gordon equation, electromagnetic potentials, the Schrödinger equation, the probability of the transition, the wave function.


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