Resonant diffraction gratings for differentiation of optical signals in reflection and transmission
N.V. Golovastikov, D.A. Bykov, L.L. Doskolovich, V.A. Soifer

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DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2013-37-2-138-145

Pages: 138-145.

The propagation of an optical pulse through a diffraction grating with a resonance at the pulse’s central frequency is considered. It is demonstrated that afore-mentioned gratings can perform time-domain differentiation of optical pulses in reflection and transmission. The correlation between the amplitude of the transformed pulse and the differentiation quality is investigated. A resonant grating intended for differentiation of picosecond pulses in reflection and transmission is computed.

Key words:
diffraction gratings, optical differentiation, differentiation in reflection, differentiation in transmission.


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