Approximation of the encircled energy function for the far-field diffraction of a plane light wave by planar complex-shaped apertures
I.M. Sizova


P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Full text of article: Russian language.


A method for approximating the encircled energy in a definite solid angle in the Fraunhofer region by the simulation of the optical transfer function derivative is proposed. The selection of free model parameters allow one to obtain a valid expansion of the encircled energy at the origin of the angular coordinate and at infinity, providing a good approximation in the intermediate domain.

apertures, diffraction, diffraction theory.

Sizova IM. Approximation of the encircled energy function for the far-field diffraction of a plane light wave by planar complex-shaped apertures. Computer Optics 2015; 39(5): 635-43. DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2015-39-5-635-43.


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