A method for connecting antenna radiators to RoF systems using an optical device and calculating its parameters
A.Kh. Sultanov, I.L. Vinogradova, I.K. Meshkov, A.V. Andrianova, G.I. Abdrakhmanova, A.A. Ishmiyarov, L.Z. Yantilina


Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
"Ufa State Aviation Technical University", Ufa, Russia

Full text of article: Russian language.


It is proposed that a special optical device be used to connect the radio antenna array to a Radio-over-Fiber light guide line, which provides splitting optical signals into predetermined frequency bands. The field calculation within the device active region is done.

broadband signal, Radio-over-Fiber, fiber optic mixer interference pattern, 3D-refractive index distribution.

Sultanov AKh, Vinogradova IL, Meshkov IK, Andrianova AV, Abdrakhmanova GI, Ishmiyarov AA, Yantilina LZ. A method for connecting antenna radiators to RoF systems using an optical device and calculating its parameters. Computer Optics 2015; 39(5): 728-37. DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2015-39-5-728-737.


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