Blind radial distortion compensation in a single image using fast Hough transform
I.A. Kunina, S.A. Gladilin, D.P. Nikolaev


 Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS, Moscow, Russia

Full text of article: Russian language.


In this paper, we present an automatic technique for compensation of radial distortion, which is characteristic of wide-angle lenses. The proposed method estimates distortion parameters using a single image from unknown source. No calibration objects are required, but it is assumed that the original scene contains straight lines. The method is based on finding such radial distortion parameters, that maximize total length of linear segments. We employ a fast Hough transform to estimate the overall curvature of lines without selecting any. The proposed algorithm is tested on real images obtained using calibrated camera lenses with different radial distortion.
For the formal evaluation of the algorithm, we propose a quality measure for geometric distortion compensation, which works correctly even in the case when the problem of determining the coefficients is ill-conditioned.

digital image processing, image analysis, lens system design, radial distortion, automatic calibration, fast Hough transform.

Kunina IA, Gladilin SA, Nikolaev DP. Blind radial distortion compensation in a single image using fast Hough transform. Computer Optics 2016; 40(3): 395-403. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2016-40-3-395-403.


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