Anomaly detection in an ecological feature space to improve the accuracy of human activity identification in buildings
I.M. Kulikovskikh


Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia

Full text of article: Russian language.


This paper considers a problem of improving the accuracy of identifying human activity in buildings based on an ecological feature space. To solve this problem a model of logistic regression was implemented on the assumption of the unstable estimation of logistic regression parameters for near linearly separable classes. To reach a compromise between the presence of outliers and the accuracy of recognition an algorithm of anomaly detection was proposed. Computational experiments confirmed the effectiveness of the algorithm and its theoretical consistency.

anomaly detection, logistic regression, machine learning, Cox-Box transformation, detection system, ecological feature.

Kulikovskikh IM. Anomaly detection in an ecological feature space to improve the accuracy of human activity identification in buildings. Computer Optics 2017; 41(1): 126-133. – DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2017-41-1-126-133.


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