Calculation of the higher-order axial spherical aberrations of a high-aperture focusing holographic optical element with the corrected third-order spherical aberration. Part 1
Batomunkuev Yu. Ts., Dianova A.A.


Optics and Optical Technologies Institute, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia


Results of calculating the radius of higher-order spherical aberrations (fifth, seventh and ninth orders) of a high-aperture focusing holographic optical element (HOE) with corrected third-order spherical aberration in the operating spectral range are discussed. As examples, high-aperture axial HOEs with relative apertures close to 1:1 in specified spectral ranges are considered. Coordinates of the point sources of a divergent reference wave and a convergent object wave of the HOE are given. It is shown that when imaging a point source emitting in the 0.250-0.281-μm and 0.500-0.563-μm spectral ranges, the use of an HOE in the first and second diffraction orders makes it is possible to correct the third-order spherical aberration on two wavelengths and the fifth- and seventh-order spherical aberrations on one wavelength. Note that these visible-spectrum wavelengths are different from the HOE's recording wavelength of 0.532 μm.

holographic optical element (HOE), chromatic aberration, higher-order spherical aberration, sphero-chromatic aberration.

Batomunkuev YuTs, Dianova AA. Calculation of the higher-order axial spherical aberrations of a high-aperture focusing holographic optical element with the corrected third-order spherical aberration. Part 1. Computer Optics 2018; 42(1): 44-53. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2018-42-1-44-53.


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