Test-object recognition in thermal images
Mingalev A.V., Belov A.V., Gabdullin I.M., Agafonova R.R., Shusharin S.N.


JSC “Scientific and Production Association “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan, Russia


The paper presents a comparative analysis of several methods for recognition of test-object position in a thermal image when setting and testing characteristics of thermal image channels in an automated mode. We consider methods of image recognition based on the correlation image comparison, Viola-Jones method, LeNet classificatory convolutional neural network, GoogleNet (Inception v.1) classificatory convolutional neural network, and a deep-learning-based convolutional neural network of Single-Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) VGG16 type. The best performance is reached via using the deep-learning-based convolutional neural network of the VGG16-type. The main advantages of this method include robustness to variations in the test object size; high values of accuracy and recall parameters; and doing without additional methods for RoI (region of interest) localization.

image classification, object detection in images, image recognition, deep-learning-based convolutional neural network, thermal image, thermal imaging device

Mingalev AV, Belov AV, Gabdullin IM, Agafonova RR, Shusharin SN. Test-object recognition in thermal images. Computer Optics 2019; 43(3): 402-411. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2019-43-3-402-411.


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