A. E. Bereznyi, I. N. Sisakyan

Those reports of the authors that have been devoted to computer generation of phase optical elements for various integral transforms of coherent optical fields are reviewed. The topics covered include Bessel transforms of high order, phase diffraction gratings with complex spectrum, and curvilinear transformations of coordinates.


  1. M. Adams. Introduction into the Theory of Optical Waveguides. Mir, Moscow (1984) (Russian translation).
  2. A. Azarov, I. Bagbaya, A. Bereznyi, I. Sissakian and V. Soifer. Phase optical element with a specified directional pattern. Komputernaya Optika No. 1, 116-127 (1987).
  3. A. Andreev, A. Bereznyi and I. Sissakian. Phase optical elements for analytic coordinate transformations. Komputernaya Optika No. 1, 151-153 (1987).
  4. Yu. A. Ananiev. Opticheskie resonatory i problema raskhodimosti lasernogo izlucheniya [Optical Resonators and Divergence of Laser Beam]. Nauka, Moscow (1979).
  5. I. Bagbaya, A. Bereznyi, I. Sissakian, V. Soifer and A. Shwartzburg. Reconstructive tomography of thermonuclear plasma by digital holography. In: Opticheskaya zapis i obrabotka informatsii [Optical Data Recording and Processing], pp. 43-50. KUAI Press, Kuibyshev (1986).
  6. I. Bagbaya, I. Bereznyi, I. Sissakian, V. Soifer and A. Shwartzburg. A method of holographic interferometric visualization of nonuniformities in 3D phase objects. USSR author invention certificate 1340291, 28.06.86 (in Russian).
  7. L. Bakhrakh and S. Kremenetsky. Sintez isluchayushchikh sistem: teoria i metody rascheta [Synthesis of Irradiating Systems: Theory and Design]. Sovietskoye Radio, Moscow (1974).
  8. L. Bakhrakh and A. Kurochkin. Gologrqfia v mikrovolnovoi tekhnike [Holography in Microwave Engineering]. Sovietskoye Radio, Moscow (1979).
  9. L. Bakhrakh and O. Litvinov. Dependence of amplitude and phase of wavefields. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR 266 (2), 234-237 (1982).
  10. A. Bereznyi, L. Brusilovsky, E. Otlivanchik, D. Sagatelyan and I. Sissakian. Draft computerized system for design synthesis, analysis and application of elements of plane optics. Komputernaya Optika No. 2, 21-29 (1987).
  11. A. Bereznyi, A. Prokhorov, I. Sissakian and V. Soifer. Bessel-optics. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR 274 (4) (1984).
  12. A. Bereznyi, A. Prokhorov, I. Sissakian and N. Soifer. Bessel transformation in optical data processing. 5th All-Union School in Optical Data Processing. Kiev (1984) (in Russian).
  13. A. Bereznyi and I. Sissakian. Optical transformations of coordinates. In: Opticheskaya zapis i obrabotka informatsii [Optical Data Recording and Processing], pp. 22-28. KUAI Press, Kuibyshev (1986).
  14. A. Bereznyi and I. Sissakian. Optical systems for image coordinate transformation based on generated phase optical elements. 2nd All-Union Conference on Optical Image Formation. Kishinev (1985) (in Russian).
  15. A. Bereznyi and I. Sissakian. Binary elements of Bessel-optics. Komputernaya Optika No. 1 (1987).
  16. A. Bereznyi, S. Komarov, A. Prokhorov, I. Sissakian and V. Soifer. Phase diffraction gratings with given parameters. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR 287 (3), 632-627 (1986).
  17. A. Bereznyi, A. Prokhorov, I. Sissakian and V. Soifer. Optical element for Fourier-Bessel transform of given order. Author certificate by application No. 4935339/10, 13.12.85 accepted 01.12.86 (in Russian).
  18. O. Bryngdahl. Optical transformations. Avtometria 2, 30 (1983).
  19. T. Huang (Ed.). Fast Algorithms in Digital Image Processing. Radio i Svyaz, Moscow (1984) (Russian translation).
  20. G. Vasilenko and L. Tsibulkin. Golograficheskie raspoznayushchie ustroistva [Holographic Pattern Recognition]. Radio i Svyaz, Moscow (1985).
  21. G. Vasilenko. Teoria vosstanovlenia signalov [Theory of Signal Reconstruction]. Nauka, Moscow (1979).
  22. A. Vasin, M. Golub, V. Danilov, N. Kazantsky, I. Sissakian, V. Soifer and G. Uvarov. Design and analysis of coherent wavefield in the focal spot of a rotationally-symmetric optical element. Reprint FIAN No. 304 (1983) (in Russian).
  23. Vichislitelnaya optika [Computational Optics]. Mashinostroyenie, Leningrad (1984).
  24. M. Golub, S. Krivoshlykov, A. Prokhorov, I. Sissakian and V. Soifer. Spatial filters for analysis and synthesis of a transverse-mode structure of coherent electromagnetic radiation. Reprint FIAN No. 21 (1983) (in Russian).
  25. J. W. Goodman. Introduction to Fourier Optics. McGraw-Hill, New York (1982).
  26. O. Svelto. Principles of Lasers. Plenum Press, New York (1982).
  27. E. Zelkin and R. Petrova. Linzovye antenny [Lens Antennas]. Sovietskoye Radio, Moscow (1974).
  28. E. Zelkin and V. Sokolov. Metody sinteza antenn [Methods of Antenna Synthesis]. Sovietskoye Radio, Moscow (1980).
  29. V. Ivanchenko and G. Poskonny. Spectral analysis of signals in optoelectronic systems with spatially noncoherent radiation source. Avtometria No. 2, 52-56 (1983).
  30. V. Danoliv, V. Popov, A. Prokhorov, D. Sagatelyan, I. Sissakian and V. Soifer. Optical element focusing coherent radiation along arbitrary focal line. Preprint FIAN No. 69 (1983) (in Russian).
  31. A. Gorelik, I. Gurevich and V. Skripkin. Sovremennoe sostoyanie problemy raspoznovaniya [State of the Art in a Pattern Recognition Problem]. Radio i Svyaz, Moscow (1985).
  32. E. Kanasevich. Analiz vremennykh posledovatelnostei v geofizike [Analysis of Time Sequences in Geophysics]. Nauka, Moscow (1985).
  33. I. S. Klimenko. Golografia sfokusirovannykh izobrazhenii i spektrointerferometria [Holography of Focused Images
    and Spectrointerferometry], Nauka, Moscow (1977).
  34. B. Frieden (Ed.). The Computer in Optical Research. Springer, Berlin (1980).
  35. V. Koloborodov. Errors in assembling and aligning of coherent optical spectroanalyzers. Opt. Mekh. Promst.
    No. 9, 6 (1983).
  36. Yu. Kravtsov and Yu. Orlov. Geometrical Optics of Inhomogeneous Media. Springer, Berlin (1989).
  37. R. Kyun. Mikrovolnovye antenny [Microwave Antennae]. Sudostroyanie, Leningrad (1967).
  38. F. Laeri and T. Tigudi. Coherent optical feedback. Avtometria No. 2, 15-17 (1983).
  39. M. Lavrentiev, K. Reznitskaya and V. Takhno. Odnomernye obratnye zadachi matematicheskoi fiziki [One-dimensional Inverse Problems of Mathematical Physics]. Nauka, Novosibirsk (1982).
  40. S. A. Mayorov, E. F. Ochin and Yu. F. Romanov. Opticheskie analogovye vychislitelnye mashiny [Optical Analog Computers]. Energoatomizdat, Leningrad (1983).
  41. D. I. Mirovitsky, I. F. Budagian and V. F. Dubrovin. Mikrovolnovaya tekhnika i golografiya [Microwave Engineering and Holography]. Nauka, Moscow (1983).
  42. A. Maitland and M. H. Dunn. Laser Physics. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1969).
  43. A. F. Nikiforov and V. B. Uvarov. Specialnye funktsii matematicheskoi fiziki [Special Functions of Mathematical
    Physics]. Nauka, Moscow (1978).
  44. I. D. Nikolov. Mirror systems in data processing systems. Avtometria No. 6, 58 (1984).
  45. M. Bolts (Ed.). Inverse Problems in Optics. Mashinostroenie, Moscow (1984) (Russian translation).
  46. A. V. Oppenheim and J. S. Lim. Importance of phase in signals. Proc. IEEE 69 (5), 529-541 (1981).
  47. H. J. Caulfield (Ed.). Handbook of Optical Holography. Academic Press, New York (1979).
  48. S. B. Gurevich (Ed.). Optical and Optoelectronic Methods of Image and Signal Processing. LIYaF Press, Leningrad (1982) (in Russian).
  49. I. I. Pakhomov and A. B. Tsibuliya. Raschet opticheskikh sistem lasernykh priborov [Design of Optical Systems of Laser Equipment]. Radio i Svyaz, Moscow (1986).
  50. Yu. Ye. Polsky. Optical resonators of power gas-discharge lasers. In: Itogi nauki i tekhniki. VINITI (1980). Ser. Radiotekhnika 21, Moscow (1980) (in Russian).
  51. Methods of Optical Data Processing and Holography. LIYaF, Leningrad (1980) (in Russian).
  52. Direct and Inverse Problems of Diffraction Theory. IRE AN USSR Press, Moscow (1979) (in Russian).
  53. V. G. Romanov. Obratnye zadachi matematicheskoi fiziki [Inverse Problems of Mathematical Physics]. Nauka, Moscow (1984).
  54. M. Rousseau and J. P. Mathieu. Problems in Optics. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1973).
  55. D. Sivukhin. Optika [Optics]. Nauka, Moscow (1980).
  56. V. A. Soifer. Tsifravaya golografia i eyo primenenie [Digital Holography and its Applications]. KuAI Press, Kuibyshev (1978).
  57. L. M. Soroko. Gilbert-optica [Hilbert Optics]. Nauka, Moscow (1981).
  58. L. M. Soroko. Osnovy golografii i kogerentnoi optiki [Fundamentals of Holography and Coherent Optics]. Nauka, Moscow (1971)
  59. A. N. Tikhonov and V. Ya. Arsenin. Metody resheniya nekorrektnykh zadach [Solution Techniques for Ill-posed Problems]. Nauka, Moscow (1986).
  60. B. J. Thompson. Hybrid processing systems—an assessment. Proc. IEEE 65 (1), 62-76 (1977).
  61. A. M. Trakhman. Vvedenie v obobshchennuyu spektralnuyu teoriyu signalov [Introduction to Generalized Spectral Theory of Signals]. Nauka, Moscow (1972).
  62. Yu. Turkevich, S. Bobrov and G. Greisukh. Optika diffraktsionnykh elementov i sistem [Optics of Diffraction Elements and Systems]. Mashinostroenie, Leningrad (1986).
  63. I. Hirschman and G. Widder. The Convolution Transform. Princeton, NY (1955).
  64. R. Hunsferger. Integrated Optics: Theory and Technology. Springer, Heidelberg (1982).
  65. L. P. Yaroslavsky and N. S. Merzljakov. Metody tsifrovoi golografii [Methods of Digital Holography]. Nauka, Moscow.
  66. L. P. Yaroskavsky and N. S. Merzljakov. Tsifrovaja golografiya [Digital Holography]. Nauka, Moscow (1982).
  67. V. A. Zverev and N. S. Stepanov (Eds). Eksperimentalnaya radiooptika [Experimental Radiooptics]. Nauka, Moscow (1977).
  68. R. A. Athale, H. H. Szu and J. N. Lee. Optical implementation of integral transforms with Bessel kernels. Opt. Lett. 7 (3), 124-126.
  69. J. J. Bennett. Achromatic combinations of hologram optical elements. Appl. Opt. 15 (2), 542-545 (1976).
  70. K. Biedermann and O. Holmgren. Large size distortion-free computer-generated holograms in photoresist. Appl. Opt. 16 (8), 2014-2016 (1977).
  71. O. Bryngdahl. Optical map transformations. Opt. Commun. 10, 164 (1974).
  72. O. Bryngdahl. Optical scanner-light deflection using computer-generated diffractive elements. Opt. Commun. 15, 273 (1975).
  73. O. Bryngdahl. Computer-generated holograms as generalized optical components. Optical Engng 14 (5), 426 (1975).
  74. D. Cassasent and D. Psaltis. Deformation invariant optical processors using coordinate transformations. Appl. Opt. 16 (8), 2288 (1977).
  75. J. Cederquist and A. M. Tai. Computer-generated holograms for geometric transformations. Appl. Opt. 23 (18), 3099 (1984).
  76. J. J. Clair and С. I. Abitol. Recent advances in phase profiles generation. In: Progress in Optics, Vol. 16 (edited by E. Wolf), p. 73. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1978).
  77. J. C. Dainty and M. Nieto-Vesperinas. Testing for uniqueness of phase recovery in two dimensions. Opt. Commun. 52 (2), 94 (1984).
  78. W. J. Dallas. Phase quantization—a compact derivation. Appl. Opt. 10 (3), 673 (1971).
  79. W. J. Dallas and A. W. Lohmann. Quantization and other nonlinear distortions of the hologram transmittance. Opt. Commun. 5 (2), 78-81 (1972).
  80. H. Dammann and K. Gortler. High efficiency in-line multiple imaging by means of multiple phase holograms. Opt. Commun. 3 (5), 312 (1971).
  81. R. Petit (Ed.). Electromagnetic Theory of Gratings. Springer, Berlin (1980).
  82. J. R. Fienup. Phase retrieval algorithms: a comparison. Appl. Opt. 21 (15), 2758-2769 (1982).
  83. C. L. Giles and H. H. Szu. Optical implementation of coordinate transformations for pattern recognition. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 73, 1860 (1983).
  84. F. O. Huck and S. K. Park. Optical-mechanical line-scan imaging processing: its information capacity and efficiency. Appl. Opt. 14 (10), 2508-2520 (1975).
  85. W. H. Lee. Computer-generated holograms: techniques and applications. In: Progress in Optics, Vol. 16 (edited by E. Wolf), p. 121. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1978).
  86. B. Lie and N. C. Gallagher. Convergence of a spectrum shaping algorithm. Appl. Opt. 13, 2470-2471 (1974).
  87. A. W. Lohmann and W. T. Rhodes. Two-pupil synthesis of optical transfer function. Appl. Opt. 17, 1141 (1978).
  88. A. W. Lohmann and N. Streibl. Map transformations by optical anamorphic processing. Appl. Opt. 22, 780 (1983).
  89. R. J. Marks. Coherent optical extrapolation of 2-D bandlimited signals: processor theory. Appl. Opt. 19, 1670-1762 (1980).
  90. D. Maystra. Rigorous vector theories of diffraction gratings. In: Progress in Optics, Vol. 21 (edited by E. Wolf), pp. 3-70. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1984).
  91. D. Psaltis. Incoherent electro-optic image correlator. Optical Engng No. 1 (1984).
  92. Y. Saito. Scale and rotation invariant real time optical correlator using computer-generated hologram. Opt. Commun. 47, 8 (1983).
  93. A. Sawchuk. Space-variant image restoration by coordinate transformation. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 6, 138 (1974).
  94. G. Sehaml and D. Rudolph. Holographic diffraction gratings. In: Progress in Optics, Vol. 14 (edited by E. Wolf), pp. 195-244. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1977).
  95. J. F. Waldup. Space-variant coherent optical processing. Optical Engng 19, 339-346 (1980).
  96. K. Yokomori. Dielectric surface relief gratings with high diffraction efficiency. Appl. Opt. 23, 2303-2310 (1984).

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