S. A. Voronov, G. N. Zhizhin, S. A. Kiseleov, L. A. Kuzik, V. A. Yakovlev

Surface EM waves (SEMW) have been found to be a sensitive indicator of the state of a surface. By measuring the amplitude of a SEMW travelling along a specimen one may obtain information on the surface roughness, adsorbates and oxide films. Phase spectroscopy which determines the phase change of a surface wave propagating along the specimen (effective refractive index for SEMW) provides a new analytical tool and extends the range of objects that can be investigated. For two wavefronts launched at two points on the surface carrying the surface wave (these may be the exciting element and specimen's edge), computer assisted analysis of intensity distribution determines the apparent refractive index and the respective absorption coefficient. Phase spectroscopy of surface waves was used to study metals with natural oxide films in two modes: (1) laser excitation of surface waves (C02 laser light tunable in the range 930-1088 cm-1) and (2) wideband excitation (700-2500 cm-1) coupled with a Fourier spectrometer. Laser excitation was also used to investigate dielectrics (crystalling quartz with metal films) and high-temperature superconductors YBa2Cu307-δ (ceramics, single crystals and films on strontium titanate). Optical constants were evaluated for all the materials studied.


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