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Three-dimensional model of quantum dots' self-assembly under the action of laser radiation
Tkachenko V.A., Tsipotan A.S., Aleksandrovsky A.S., Slabko V.V.

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia,
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

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DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2017-41-4-577-580

Страницы: 577-580.

This study considered a process of quantum dots' self-assembly into nanostructure arrays with predefined geometry, which proceeds in the external resonant laser field. We considered the simplest case of assembling a stable structure of two particles. The problem was solved numerically using a three-dimensional model of Brownian dynamics. The idea of the method is that the attraction of the dots occurs due to the interaction of resonantly induced dipole moments, with the dots being then captured by the Van der Waals force. Finally, a three-dimensional model was considered; the average nanoparticle aggregation time as a function of the laser radiation wavelength was calculated; the probability of such structures' being formed was estimated for the calculated average aggregation time and for the laser pulse duration used in the experiment. The wavelength of the maximum probability was found to be shifted from the single particle resonance wavelength of 525 nm to the red area of 535 nm, which is in qualitative agreement with the redshift of the resonance wavelength of interacting particles.

Nanostructure fabrication; plasmonics; optical tweezers or optical manipulation.

Tkachenko VA, Tsipotan AS, Aleksandrovsky AS, Slabko VV.Three-dimensional model of quantum dots' self-assembly under the action of laser radiation. Computer Optics 2017; 41(4): 577-580. DOI:


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