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Modification of multidimensional pseudo-random sequences using dual LFSR-CNS generators

A.N. Kalugin1,2
1Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS 

2Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev 

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Pages: 112-118.

The article considers a new method for modifying a multidimensional pseudo-random sequence of points based on the use of a pair of dual LFSR-CNS generators. The generator state restored on the basis of an element of the multidimensional sequence is interpreted as the state of the dual generator, which allows to generate a point that is different from the point of the initial sequence. Comparative results of the study of the initial and the modified sequence using the weighted spectral criterion are presented.

LFSR-CNS generators, pseudo-random sequence, spectral criterion.

Kalugin AN. Modification of multidimensional pseudo-random sequences using dual LFSR-CNS generators. Computer Optics 2005; 28: 112-118.


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