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Development of methods and software for noise elimination in interferograms at the stage of their preliminary processing

G.I. Greisukh1 E.G. Yezhov2 A.Y. Zemtsov1 S.A. Stepanov1
1Penza State University of Architecture and Construction

2Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev

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Pages: 140-144.

This article considers the algorithms for the preliminary processing of spatiotemporal signals intended for the hardware-software complex of interferometric control of the parameters of optical materials, blanks and parts. Algorithms and methods have been developed for the complex noise elimination on an interferogram. It has been shown that preliminary interferogram processing facilitates the use of interferometric methods for obtaining the phase.

noise elimination, interferogram, preliminary processing, spatiotemporal signal, hardware-software complex, optical material.

Greisukh GI, Yezhov EG, Zemtsov AY, Stepanov SA. Development of methods and software for noise elimination in interferograms at the stage of their preliminary processing. Computer Optics 2005; 28: 140-144.


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