Finding the propagation constants of the photonic crystal waveguide modes by the Krylov’s method
Ya.O. Shuyupova, V.V. Kotlyar

Image Processing Systems Institute оf the RAS,
Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)

Full text of article: Russian language.

We numerically investigate the effectiveness of the Krylov’s method in solving the nonlinear eigenvalue problem when calculating eigenmode propagation constants for photonic waveguides. A matrix for solving this nonlinear eigenvalue problem has dimensions of N×N, where N is proportional to the number of local sinusoidal modes which allow the waveguide eigenmodes to be approximated.

Key words:
photonic crystal waveguide, propagation constants, Krylov's method.

Shuyupova YaO, Kotlyar VV. Finding the propagation constants of the photonic crystal waveguide modes by the Krylov’s method [In Russian]. Computer Optics 2007; 31(1): 27-30.


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