Relief-phase diffractive optical elements on formed revolution surfaces having the high diffraction efficiency

G.I. Greysukh, E.G. Ezhov, Z.A. Sidyakina, S.A. Stepanov

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DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2013-37-1-45-50.

Full text of article: Russian language.

Pages: 45-50.

The equations of microstructure reliefs of the single-layer diffractive optical elements disposed on curvilinear interfaces of two mediums are given. These reliefs provide the demanded form of a wave front and 100 p.c. the diffraction efficiency on one wave length irrespective of number of Fresnel zones. Recommendations about use of the given equations for manufacturing of the double-layer two-relief structures providing high diffraction efficiency within the given spectral range are given.

Key words:
diffractive optical element, relief of microstructure, fresnel zone, diffraction efficiency.

Greysukh GI, Ezhov EG, Sidyakina ZA, Stepanov SA. Relief-phase diffractive optical elements on formed revolution surfaces having the high diffraction efficiency . Computer Optics 2013; 37(1): 45-50. DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2013-37-1-45-50.


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