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Towards monitored tomographic reconstruction: algorithm-dependence and convergence
K.B. Bulatov 1,2, A.S. Ingacheva 1,3, M.I. Gilmanov 1,3, K. Kutukova 4, Z.V. Soldatova 1, A.V. Buzmakov 2,5, M.V. Chukalina 1,3, E. Zschech 4, V.V. Arlazarov 1,2

Smart Engines Service LLC, 117312, Moscow, Russia, Prospekt 60-letiia Oktiabria 9;
FRC "Computer Science and Control" RAS, 119333, Moscow, Russia, Prospekt 60-letiia Oktiabria 9;
Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute) RAS,
127051, Moscow, Russia, Bolshoi Karetnyi pereulok 19/1;
deepXscan GmbH, Dresden, Germany, Zeppelinstr 1;
FSRC "Crystallography and Photonics" RAS, 119333, Moscow, Russia, Leninskii prospekt 59

 PDF, 8089 kB

DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1238

Pages: 658-667.

Full text of article: English language.

The monitored tomographic reconstruction (MTR) with optimized photon flux technique is a pioneering method for X-ray computed tomography (XCT) that reduces the time for data acquisition and the radiation dose. The capturing of the projections in the MTR technique is guided by a scanning protocol built on similar experiments to reach the predetermined quality of the reconstruction. This method allows achieving a similar average reconstruction quality as in ordinary tomography while using lower mean numbers of projections. In this paper, we, for the first time, systematically study the MTR technique under several conditions: reconstruction algorithm (FBP, SIRT, SIRT-TV, and others), type of tomography setup (micro-XCT and nano-XCT), and objects with different morphology. It was shown that a mean dose reduction for reconstruction with a given quality only slightlyvaries with choice of reconstruction algorithm, and reach up to 12.5 % in case of micro-XCT and 8.5 % for nano-XCT. The obtained results allow to conclude that the monitored tomographic reconstruction approach can be universally combined with an algorithm of choice to perform a controlled trade-off between radiation dose and image quality. Validation of the protocol on independent common ground truth demonstrated a good convergence of all reconstruction algorithms within the MTR protocol.

anytime algorithms, monitored tomographic reconstruction, micro X-ray computed tomography, nano X-ray computed tomography, dose reduction, time reducing, stopping rule.

Bulatov KB, Ingacheva AS, Gilmanov MI, Kutukova K, Soldatova ZV, Buzmakov AV, Chukalina MV, Zschech E, Arlazarov VV. Towards monitored tomographic reconstruction: algorithm-dependence and convergence to an independent ground truth. Computer Optics 2023; 47(4): 658-667. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1238.

This work was partly supported by RFBR (grants) 20-07-00934.


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