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Retinal biometric identification using convolutional neural network
Rodiah 1, Sarifuddin Madenda 2, Diana Tri Susetianingtias 1, Fitrianingsih 1, Dea Adlina 1, Rini Arianty 1

Departement of Informatics Gunadarma University,
Margonda Raya Street Number 100, Pondok Cina, Depok, West Java, 16431, Indonesia,
Doctoral Program in Information Tech Gunadarma University,
Margonda Raya Street Number 100, Pondok Cina, Depok, West Java, 16431, Indonesia

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DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-890

Pages: 865-872.

Full text of article: English language.

Authentication is needed to enhance and protect the system from vulnerabilities or weaknesses of the system. There are still many weaknesses in the use of traditional authentication methods such as PINs or passwords, such as being hacked. New methods such as system biometrics are used to deal with this problem. Biometric characteristics using retinal identification are unique and difficult to manipulate compared to other biometric characteristics such as iris or fingerprints because they are located behind the human eye thus they are difficult to reach by normal human vision. This study uses the characteristics of the retinal fundus image blood vessels that have been segmented for its features. The dataset used is sourced from the DRIVE dataset. The preprocessing stage is used to extract its features to produce an image of retinal blood vessel segmentation. The image resulting from the segmentation is carried out with a two-dimensional image transformation such as the process of rotation, enlargement, shifting, cutting, and reversing to increase the quantity of the sample of the retinal blood vessel segmentation image. The results of the image transformation resulted in 189 images divided with the details of the ratio of 80 % or 151 images as training data and 20 % or 38 images as validation data. The process of forming this research model uses the Convolutional Neural Network method. The model built during the training consists of 10 iterations and produces a model accuracy value of 98 %. The results of the model's accuracy value are used for the process of identifying individual retinas in the retinal biometric system.

blood vessels, convolutional neural network, identification, retina, segmentation.

Rodiah, Madenda S, Susetianingtias DT, Fitrianingsih, Adlina D, Arianty R. Retinal biometric identification using convolutional neural network. Computer Optics 2021; 45(6): 865-872. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-890.

The work was partially funded by DP2M RistekDikti, Gunadarma University especially to the Gunadarma University Research Bureau for the opportunity to conduct research specifically in the field of Biometrics.


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