Samara National Research University
Image Processing Systems Institute оf RAS – Branch
of the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS
Computer Optics
Volume 43 Number 6
November-December 2019 |
Contents |

1899kb |
1 |
Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Porfirev A.P. Topological stability of optical vortices diffracted by a random phase screen |
917 |

1306kb |
2 |
Lukin I.P. Coherence of vortex pseudo-Bessel beams in turbulent atmosphere |
926 |

1595kb |
3 |
Belousov D.A., Dostovalov A.V., Korolkov V.P., Mikerin S.L. A microscope image processing method for analyzing TLIPSS structures |
936 |

1109kb |
4 |
Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Skidanov R.V., Kazanskiy N.L. Calculation of a diffractive lens having a fixed focal position at several prescribed wavelengths |
946 |

1110kb |
5 |
Dyachenko A.A., Ryabukho V.P. Color models of interference images of thin stratified objects in optical microscopy |
956 |

776kb |
6 |
Mingazov A.A., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Kazanskiy N.L. The two reflector design problem for forming flat wavefront from a point source as the optimal mass transfer problem |
968 |

993kb |
7 |
Egorov A.A., Sevastyanov L.A., Shigorin V.D., Ayriyan A.A., Ayriyan E.A. Properties of nematic LC planar and smoothly-irregular waveguide structures: research in the experiment and using computer modeling |
976 |

1000kb |
8 |
Bagmanov V.Kh., Sultanov A.Kh., Gizatulin A.R., Meshkov I.K., Kuk I.A., Grakhova E.P.,
Abdrakhmanova G.I., Vinogradova I.L. The vortex beams conversion from the optical range into the radio domain based on the nonlinear generation of the difference frequency |
983 |

984kb |
9 |
Knyazev B.A., Kameshkov O.E., Nikitin A.K., Pavelyev V.S., Choporova Yu.Yu. Feasibility of generating surface plasmon polaritons with a given orbital moment on cylindrical waveguides using diffractive optical elements |
992 |

1806kb |
10 |
Ruchay A.N., Dorofeev K.A., Kalschikov V.V. A novel switching bilateral filtering algorithm for depth map |
1001 |

1100kb |
11 |
Vlasov V.V., Konovalov A.B., Kolchugin S.V. Joint image reconstruction and segmentation: Comparison of two algorithms for few-view tomography |
1008 |

983kb |
12 |
Eremeev S.V., Andrianov D.E., Titov V.S. An algorithm for matching spatial objects of different-scale maps based on topological data analysis |
1021 |

1805kb |
13 |
Kokoshkin A.V., Korotkov V.A., Korotkov K.V., Novichikhin E.P. Retouching and restoration of missing image fragments by means of the iterative calculation of their spectra |
1030 |

1066kb |
14 |
Myasnikov V.V. Reconstruction of functions and digital images using sign representations |
1041 |

1228kb |
Vorobeva G.R. Approach to the recovery of geomagnetic data by comparing daily fragments of a time series with equal geomagnetic activity |
1053 |

875kb |
Fetisova N.V. An algorithm for detecting intense anomalous changes in the time dependence of ionospheric parameters |
1064 |

792kb |
Chernov V.M. Fibonacci, tribonacci, …, hexanacci and parallel "error-free" machine arithmetic |
1072 |

1822kb |
Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Optical elements based on silicon photonics |
1079 |

1265kb |
Poletaev D.A., Sokolenko B.V. A method for generating a microwave vortex field |
1084 |

1400kb |
Ukleev V. Investigation of the tolerance of the phase retrieval algorithm to missing information
at the center of a detector in the case of coherent scattering from an ordered structure |
1088 |

933kb |
Kozlova E.S. Investigation of influence amplitude spiral zone plate parameters
on produced energy backflow |
1093 |

814kb |
Kovalev A.A., Kotlyar V.V., Kalinkina D.S. Spin angular momentum density in the tight focus of a light field with phase and polarization singularities |
1098 |

1290kb |
Pavelyev V.S., Choporova Yu.Yu., Osintseva N.D., Tukmakov K.N., Knyazev B.A. Control of transverse mode content and polarization structure of terahertz coherent beams |
1103 |